Fast and Furious and the Legacy Media

Apart from CBS News, the mainstream media has essentially ignored “Fast and Furious.” Instead of reporting on the illegal sale and transport of more than 2,000 guns, the hundreds of deaths in Mexico that resulted, and the nearly sixty Fast and Furious weapons that have been recovered at crime scenes in the United States, they have simply continued business as usual: fulfilling their self-appointed role as defenders of the ruling class.

There is no other ready explanation for why a supposedly “free press” looks the other way when “the DHS, IRS, DEA, ATF, ICE, and the Obama Justice Department” are all named under oath as being tied to Fast and Furious in one way or another. The same media personalities that still get a sparkle in their eye when talking about Watergate staunchly refuse to report on what could and should be the biggest scandal in the last fifty years.

emphasis added

Why is this? Read on.

And more kudos to Sharyl Attkisson at CBS news for uncovering Grenadewalker as well.

Police say Jean Baptiste Kingery, a U.S. citizen, was a veritable grenade machine. He’s accused of smuggling parts for as many as 2,000 grenades into Mexico for killer drug cartels — sometimes under the direct watch of U.S. law enforcement.

Law enforcement sources say Kingery could have been prosecuted in the U.S. twice for violating export control laws, but that, each time, prosecutors in Arizona refused to make a case.

It’s mindboggling isn’t it? Isn’t it? And you know what, it’s two items that are mindboggling, mindblowing, whatever…

1. The events themselves

2. The lack of reporting.

Unfortunately, the administration cover up, not so mindblowing.

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