NY Times and journalistic standards

Second NYT Reporter Faces Allegations of Serious Misconduct

Patrick Richardson has kept us all up to date on the battle between the NYT‘s Eric Lichtblau and Rep. Darrel Issa over an error-filled hit piece Lichtblau launched at Issa. Now it looks like the Times will have to answer for yet another deceiving reporter on its payroll. The Franklin Center today launched a broadside against NYT reporter Ian Urbina for his work on “fracking,” work that had a tremendous and negative impact on the natural gas industry. The Franklin Center’s letter alleges that Urbina engaged in a great deal of wrongdoing in his reporting:

Required reading by employees of our local newspaper which has great faith in the Times. Using a “Junior Engineer” as a source? Oh puhleeze.

I wish I could find the Clay Evan’s editorial on why paid journalists were so superior to bloggers. I’ve searched for it a couple of times but it was some time back and I can’t ever locate it.

Oh and of course these are just “allegations”.

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