Daily Archives: September 8, 2011


Glenn Reynolds comments on why he constantly returns to this particular theme in his postings… I can’t find the link now, but somebody was criticizing this feature a while back as “juvenile.” Well, I am quite deliberately rubbing it in, … Continue reading

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NY Times and journalistic standards

Second NYT Reporter Faces Allegations of Serious Misconduct Patrick Richardson has kept us all up to date on the battle between the NYT‘s Eric Lichtblau and Rep. Darrel Issa over an error-filled hit piece Lichtblau launched at Issa. Now it … Continue reading

Posted in NY Times is stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

$850,000 to study the impacts of climate change on prairie dogs

Unbelievable. The best comment from Don Wrege… The Onion Tell me it’s The Onion. Coming in a close second was a “facepalm” in ASCII. To see one in color visit picardfacepalm.com.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment