“Top of that list: Tea party Republicans, who have taken partisan brinkmanship to a despicable low.”

Because it’s time for a change.

Erika Stutzman complains about the inaction of Congress and takes swipes at the usual progressive suspects.

  • Let’s take a swipe at the Kock Brothers and Rupert (Faux News) Murdoch
  • The Tea Party
  • Wisconsin lawmakers
  • The cut-it and shut-it philsophy

Goodness gracious, it IS time for a change.

Raise taxes and two things are going to happen

  1. You won’t raise as much $$’s as you think.  Go no further than the cigarrete/tobacco tax to see that
  2. Companies most likely won’t hire

Scott Walker was able to keep more teachers employed in Wisconsin thanks to the flexibility he got from his budget deal.

Government is too big, cut’s aren’t bad thing

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