The MSM…

that local editorialists tell us serves such a great function and is so superior to blogs.

Color me majorly skeptical. Stacy McCain has had his video “lifted and modified” to smear Michelle Bachman…

The piracy of my video and the smearing of Michele Bachmann continue, despite my having done two posts — here and here — explaining the true story. Here is a screen-cap from Perez Hilton’s site, showing that he downloaded and re-uploaded the pirated/edited “Wholikes white people?” video, imprinting it with his own watermark:

Wait it gets better, Michelle Castillo of CBS news joins the fun…

Yeah — Michelle Castillo of CBS News (!!) made this smear job the No. 1 selection in “Top 5 Viral Videos of the Week.” You can skip ahead to about the 40-second mark of the video:

Apparently at least Michelle believes she’s a journalist. And this episode is going to get very interesting…

As a veteran of 25 years in the news business, I promise you that if I were Michelle Castillo’s boss, I’d have several choice words to say to her, the mildest of which would be, “YOU’RE FIRED!”

And I’ll have a few more things to say about the egregious incompetence being practiced by the mainstream media in regard to this story, but first I’ve got to call my lawyer. CBS is going to be getting a letter from my lawyer P.D.Q., and if Michelle Castillo is not instantly terminated for this astonishingly shoddy excuse for journalism, I’d be greatly surprised.

This is going to be entertaining.

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