Monthly Archives: August 2011

This is known as “bad luck”

Robert Heinlein… Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and … Continue reading

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The government comes callin’

Posted in debt, decline of the west, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Running from Obama

That would be the Democrat running for Anthony Weiner’s old seat. “I’m running myself right now. On Sept. 14, I’ll be happy to address the president’s election,” State Assemblyman David Weprin said following a press conference at Queens Borough Hall, … Continue reading

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Bush mints, Obama mints, the Stoopid University of Tennessee

Just so I make it clear, this is the STOOPID University of Tennessee @ Knoxville. Also, this pic was “stolen” from the UTK website so it will be voluntarily taken down immediately upon receipt of complaint, or if someone has … Continue reading

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More on the breath mints at University of Tennessee

The breath mint tins with no educational value. Oh my. My message to the University of Tennessee (alma mater btw) is to “man up”. If you can give climate change charlatan Al Gore an Honorary Doctorate, you can sure as … Continue reading

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Cory Maye

From death row to freedom. The journey took a decade. There are a lot of themes in Maye’s story. It is a story about the drug war, about the death penalty, about race and class in the South. It’s a … Continue reading

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Debt armegeddon on the way…

US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury Sweet.

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Teacher, why they cheat

Betsy examines teachers and cheating on standardized tests. As a side note, Charter Schools test scores continue to improve.

Posted in Education, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Disband the ATF

Guns, cocaine. Whose side are these guys on? I say the budget cutting can start with the ATF. No doubt, they spend our tax dollars unwisely to put it mildly.

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Not in Boulder…

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of American Adults shows that 69% say it’s at least somewhat likely that some scientists have falsified research data in order to support … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, climate change | Leave a comment

… and that’s the Civil Stuff

Investors Business Daily commenting on the Tea Parties roll in the recent debt ceiling negotiations. First when it comes to name calling… In just the last few days, Vice President Biden called the tea party “terrorists,” New York Times columnist … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, debt, Tea Party | Leave a comment

Creepy Censorship of Political Humor

Guess the University of Tennessee knows who butters their bread. What do you expect from a University that gives Algore an Honorary Doctorate?

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I’ve tried to ignore this

Boulder debating ‘energy future’ For the people who want this, not no price is too high.

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The Markets opinion of the budget deal

What a surprise… US debt deal alone won’t sustain AAA rating The US Stock Markets… And of course Gold…

Posted in debt, deficit, stoopid politicians | Leave a comment

Lack of posting

Been up in Beaver Creek for short mini-vacation. Posting should resume at the usual variable, unpredictable rate. Chris

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