MSNBC uses selective editing to portray Gov. Rick Perry as racist

Watch what was reported by Ed Shultz and MSNBC vs. what was really said.

Ed Schultz used a deceptive edit to misinform his audience about the content of Gov. Rick Perry’s speech in Iowa yesterday. Schultz claimed that Gov. Perry was calling President Obama a “black cloud hanging over America” when in fact, the governor was talking about the national debt.

Two questions:

1. Why would the MSM (is MSNBC MSM?) do this?

2. Why are they so stoopid that they believe will not get caught.

3. Does getting caught matter?

Of course, since this is from Breitbart it doesn’t really matter. It didn’t really happen.

Except, it DID happen and Ed admits to it. Well not exactly, he admits to selective editing.

On tonight’s “The Ed Show” on MSNBC, Ed Schultz admitted he was in error in deceptively editing a clip of Gov. Rick Perry, removing the meaning and context of the governor’s statement. The deception was first revealed here at

He did not apologize, and he did not explain to his viewers that the deceptively edited clip was used by Schultz to make a false allegation of racism against the Texas governor.

Oh well, no surprise I suppose.

Added 8/23 (between lines): I’ve been very busy and too tired to fix this. Commentor Darren was kind enough to point out that the way I excerpted the clips from Glenn Reynolds and Allahpundit (see below) could be misinterpreted if taken at face value. Darren probably says it best, especially since I’m too tired when he states to me…

You *do* understand that Reynolds and Allahpundit were *mocking* the justifications for that “selective editing”, don’t you? Because it’s not clear from your post that you do.

To which I say “Yes I do” and when I’m posting about material like this I need to be more careful about my presentation and view it from multiple viewpoints. Thanks Darren.

Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit comments..

Hey, if you’re running against Obama you’re racist by definition, right? So this should get the “fake but accurate” defense. . . .

Allahpundit over at Hot Air states…

Perry’s a racist because he’s a Republican from Texas who doesn’t like Obama, ergo “big black cloud” is a veiled racial slur no matter what Perry was ostensibly talking about at the time. QED. Again: Fourteen more months of this. Day in, day out.

I guess if it fits the narrative, selective editing is “ok”. Sorta like the ends justify the means.

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2 Responses to MSNBC uses selective editing to portray Gov. Rick Perry as racist

  1. Darren says:

    You *do* understand that Reynolds and Allahpundit were *mocking* the justifications for that “selective editing”, don't you? Because it's not clear from your post that you do.

  2. ChrisA says:


    Thank you so much. I DO understand and you are absolutely correct that my quotes and lack of explaining open the door to misunderstandings.

    Thanks for stopping by and pointing that out. I'll try to be a little more careful in my editing/posting in the future.


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