Monthly Archives: August 2011

Boulder is a Stoopid Place

New tax recommended for affordable housing in BoulderSolution to everything is a tax. Boulder councilman decries GMOs on land owned with countyMacon, tax cheat, Cowles Commissioners ask Boulder County voters to ease term limits for sheriffsBack in 2001 the citizens … Continue reading

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Alcoholic drivers

This would be truck drivers. BUDGET CUT! Who in the hell makes this stuff up? Alcoholism is classified as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the suit maintains, and therefore employees cannot be prohibited even from driving 18 … Continue reading

Posted in BUDGET CUT, stoopid government, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

The MSM…

that local editorialists tell us serves such a great function and is so superior to blogs. Color me majorly skeptical. Stacy McCain has had his video “lifted and modified” to smear Michelle Bachman… The piracy of my video and the … Continue reading

Posted in legacy media, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Welcome in Boulder

Actress Daryl Hannah.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, enviro wackos | Leave a comment

And you want more government?

Farmageddon This documentary illustrates the plight of the organic farmer, specifically the organic dairy farmer. If a dairy farmer wants to sell raw milk, they will be run out of business and many times imprisoned by the federal bureaucracy. The … Continue reading

Posted in BUDGET CUT, stoopid government, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

“Would the WaPo reporting be as sympathetic if it didn’t involve a Democratic congressman?”

asks Glenn Reynolds. For those of you from Boulder it’s a rhetorical question.

Posted in gun rights, media bias | Leave a comment

“Top of that list: Tea party Republicans, who have taken partisan brinkmanship to a despicable low.”

Because it’s time for a change. Erika Stutzman complains about the inaction of Congress and takes swipes at the usual progressive suspects. Let’s take a swipe at the Kock Brothers and Rupert (Faux News) Murdoch The Tea Party Wisconsin lawmakers … Continue reading

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Boulder affordable housing program has a problem

Their funding source is drying up. Local psuedo intellectual heavy weight Steve Pomerance has the answer… Pomerance said that if the City Council really wanted to offer more affordable homes, it could change zoning rules. “Why are we not requiring … Continue reading

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Locks superglued prior to protests of Governor Walker at local school

Pathetic. Calling these thugs “Poor losers” is doing a grave injustice to the phrase. I’m afraid we’re going to see a lot more of this type of action.

Posted in entitlement, idiots, you can't make this stuff up, your rubble now | Leave a comment

100+ CEOs promise no campaign donations

I don’t care. Cry me a river. They sound like a bunch of spoiled brats too me.

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Pat Summitt diagnosed with early onset Alzeheimers

Pat Summitt diagnosed with early onset dementia Pat Summitt, Tennessee women’s basketball coach, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease This is very easy to believe.. “There’s not going to be any pity party and I’’ll make sure of that.” Pat Summitt, Tennessee … Continue reading

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Just to piss off Boulderites

Not that any of them read my blog!

Posted in Sarah Palin, the weekend | Leave a comment

NY Times bungles hatchet job on Rep Darrell Issa.

John Hinderaker at Powerline picks apart the New York Times hatchet job on Darrell Issa. Shooting fish in a bowl is easier than picking apart this story. John comments… Why can’t the New York Times ever report a story straight? … Continue reading

Posted in idiocy, legacy media, you can't make this stuff up, your rubble now | Leave a comment

Federal Regulatory Hiring

IBD comments on the Federal Regulatory hiring binge. Great way to get the economy moving again. Another reason to not raise taxes.

Posted in big government, debt, decline of the west, Feds are stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Union Thuggery

“Imagine the hysteria if Tea Partiers did such a thing!”

Posted in you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

MSNBC uses selective editing to portray Gov. Rick Perry as racist

Watch what was reported by Ed Shultz and MSNBC vs. what was really said. Ed Schultz used a deceptive edit to misinform his audience about the content of Gov. Rick Perry’s speech in Iowa yesterday. Schultz claimed that Gov. Perry … Continue reading

Posted in msm, politics, you can't make this stuff up | 2 Comments

The Barbarians Inside Britain’s Gates

Unbelievable. The rioters in the news last week had a thwarted sense of entitlement that has been assiduously cultivated by an alliance of intellectuals, governments and bureaucrats. “We’re fed up with being broke,” one rioter was reported as having said, … Continue reading

Posted in bad luck, entitlement, idocy | Leave a comment

Good as Gold

The graph should be logarithmic.

Posted in gold, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

“The President will have specific ideas on deficit reduction”

Will have? Krauthammer: Obama Is ‘Clueless’

Posted in clueless, everything Obama, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Big projects

The high speed rail to nowhere. Perhaps “Thinking Big” isn’t such a grand idea.

Posted in stimulus, stoopid government, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment