Asking the Kock brothers for $$$’s. Can you spell “desperation”, “no pride” of just plain “stoopid”.
I’m hoping you can help me understand the intent of your request because it’s hard not to conclude that DSCC politics have become so cynical that you actually expect people whom you routinely denounce to give DSCC money.
It is troubling that private citizens taking part in the discourse have become the targets of White House and DSCC fundraising missives, and we would certainly encourage you to rethink that approach. Ultimately, I expect voters will see through that and will weigh the issues on the merits alone. But in the meantime, if you could provide me some insight on what exactly you are asking of us and why, I would be most grateful.
(emphasis added).
Read the whole thing.
Unbelievable. If the Koch brothers were as stoopid as the Democrats they would believe that if they gave the Dems lots of $$’s the volume of criticsim would decrease dramatically. To bad for the Dems, they aren’t that stoopid.
IMO, this is nothing but the age old organized crime protection money scam.
The message is:
Pay us enough and maybe we'll leave you alone.
The Democratic party is, after all, the biggest criminal enterprise the world has ever seen.