Medical Doctors considering “Going Galt”?

Sure seems that way after reading this article…

Second Opinion: Filthy Rich Doctors Hide Boxes of Cash Under their Gilded Beds

We can put off the discussion as we have been for years, but the fundamental issue is this: To keep practicing medicine as it is, physicians will need to be paid more money or be required to pay less in education and in practice.

Otherwise, rich doctors (who are also smart doctors) will start to do the math. And when they do, they’ll realize that they simply can’t afford to do it anymore. Being rich is rapidly becoming just too expensive.

He doesn’t even mention Obamacare and its effects on Medicare reimbursments.

Altogether, ObamaCare cuts $818 billion from Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) from 2014-2023, the first 10 years of its full implementation, and $3.2 trillion over the first 20 years, 2014-2033. Adding in ObamaCare cuts for Medicare Part B (physicians fees and other services) brings the total cut to $1.05 trillion over the first 10 years and $4.95 trillion over the first 20 years.

These draconian cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, hospitals and other health-care providers that serve America’s seniors were the basis for the Congressional Budget Office’s official “score”—repeatedly cited by the president—that the health-reform legislation would actually reduce the federal deficit. But Mr. Obama never disclosed how that deficit reduction would actually be achieved.

Is the Healthcare system broken? Absolutely. Will Obamacare fix it? It depends on your definition of fix. However, if physicians are “going Galt” at the same time that large numbers of people are supposedly going to enter the system, a catastrophic traffic jam is something even a caveman and figure out. Not so sure about Progressives though.

h/t to Instapundit.

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