“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Daily Archives: June 10, 2011
NRC and executive thuggary
Boulderites, I’m sure you’re against the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository site. Is this the way you want to achieve your goals? Do the ends justify the means? Unfortunately, I already know the answer.
“I completely fail to understand why any Republican would call for Weiner’s resignation.”
I agree completely with John Hinderaker over at Powerline. Anthony Weiner, please stay in office. This is, I hope, my last comment on the Anthony Weiner digital raincoat scandal. I completely fail to understand why any Republican would call for … Continue reading
Posted in stoopid politicians
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Corn inventories at lowest level since Dust Bowl days
Wonder why? The problem here is the mandate, which assumes that corn — which is used in pretty much everything from plastics to baby powder to animal feed — will continue to see record yields. I live and grew up … Continue reading
Posted in alt energy, enviro wackos, stoopid government, subsidies
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Chicken’s coming home to roost
We’re talking operation Fast and Furious, the ill conceived (to put it mildly) gun running program sponsored by our very own government to supposedly expose the entire gun smuggling operation. But now the casualties are coming in. Mexican officials estimate … Continue reading
Daily Camera takes a stand on Anthony Weiner
The Daily Camera half heartedly comments on the Anthony Weiner affair. I have plenty to say on this editorial but it can wait until tomorrow.
Posted in stoopid politicians
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