Violence in Wisconsin….

Bill Maher calling Sara Palin a “Twat”, you just don’t hear about that in the legacy media.

It is really pathetic. Fortunately, other Women’s groups/publications do have the courage of their convictions…

Terry Dougherty, editor of Women magazine, said “[Maher’s] choice of words shows an enormous lack of respect for women. If his preceding joke had been about a man, I can’t imagine him using an equally derogatory term to describe a male. That type of language shows a lack of consideration toward women.”

And this is so easy to imagine

“If a conservative used that language to describe Hillary Clinton, we wouldn’t be hearing very much about Japan or Libya,” said John Ziegler, creator the documentary “Media Malpractice.” “If they said it about Michelle Obama, the media would be going 24/7 with the story.”

Heck, that would probably spur the Daily Camera editors to put a pen to paper.

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