Monthly Archives: March 2011

The Libertarian Black

Walter Williams Excellent 30 minute interview.

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Violence in Wisconsin….

Bill Maher calling Sara Palin a “Twat”, you just don’t hear about that in the legacy media. It is really pathetic. Fortunately, other Women’s groups/publications do have the courage of their convictions… Terry Dougherty, editor of Women magazine, said “[Maher’s] … Continue reading

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Hey… a run on gieger counters. Imagine that.

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More on shameful behavior

Late last week, using the hard work of others documenting the shameful behavior of pro-union activists in Wisconsin, I gathered an exhaustive list that closes the case for anyone doubting that an intense campaign of intimidation, violence, and harassment is … Continue reading

Posted in legacy media, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

If there are big stories out there…

…. that traditional media won’t cover because it offends their storyline, then why listen to traditional media at all? Of  course if all you do is follow the out of touch legacy media you may have no idea what I’m … Continue reading

Posted in legacy media, public unions, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment


Words escape me (and I’m glad).

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In defense of teachers

Color me not as impressed as some of my friends/acquaintances. 

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One less “Code Talker”

Member of Original 29 Code Talkers Dies in U.S.

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Liberal death threats

Tell the truth and they call it lies. Make your point nonviolently and they threaten you. It’s like clockwork. Read about it here. If you haven’t heard about the death threats, you can blame the legacy/main stream media. Shame: Ignoring … Continue reading

Posted in legacy media, media bias, public unions, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

CBO Estimates vs. White House

According to CBO estimates, the White House budget estimates are “only” off by $2,300,000,000 over the next 10 years. Can’t wait to hear about this in the Daily Camera.  Are CBO estimate ignored if they don’t meet the narrative? Inquiring minds would like … Continue reading

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More on Thuggary

Hey. Not only should the local and national media be amplifying their coverage of this ongoing scandal because of the bar they themselves set with the Tea Party for what rises to the level of of racism, “predominantly white” protesters … Continue reading

Posted in legacy media, media bias, public unions | Leave a comment

Social Security lockbox

Hey it’s empty.  The Daily Camera runs Krauthammer’s column from time to time, it will be interesting to see if they pick this one up. If Lew’s claim were just wrong, that would be one thing. But it provides the … Continue reading

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So this is what democracy looks like?

See for yourself and you decide. And the mainstream media — which was so quick to characterize the peaceful Tea Party movement as a dangerous collection of radicals bent on inciting violence — needs to break their disgraceful silence and … Continue reading

Posted in public unions, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment


Unbelievable. Two decades from now, I’m willing to take a look at it, but I’m not willing to take a look at it right now,” he told MSNBC. “It is not in crisis at this stage. Leave Social Security alone. … Continue reading

Posted in social security, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

A sign of things to come

Union Thuggery. WE WILL FUCK YOU UP.

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The gift that keeps on giving…

That would be auto withdrawals to ACORN.

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The trip home: The tale of two Cyclists

Probably 7:15.  Not dark but close to it.  I was driving from Longmont to home. Cyclist #1 heading towards Longmont on Nelson Rd East of Hwy 36.  Has a front light, a “forehead light” and a flashing rear light. Cyclist … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid boulder cyclists | Leave a comment

Obama: Can you spell “Out of Touch”?

Apparently not. Taken individually — like Mrs. Obama notoriously wearing $600 tennis shoes to a food bank event — these acts can seem like minor gaffes. Everyone expects a president to relax or exercise or stage elegant parties. But in … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Touching and Heroic

The Fukushima 50 A soldier and his dog

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Two new oil and gas leases in a year?


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