Not above taking their money

I captured this add from United Healthcare on the Daily Camera website

Criticize the health insurance companies (hey I’m being nice here) on one hand but take their money with the other.  You can’t make this stuff up!

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1 Response to Not above taking their money

  1. SBVOR says:


    Is Steamboat Springs at least as stoopid as Boulder?

    Look at the latest query (and results) from the pinheads at our local Socialist rag.

    It has been repeatedly proven that plastic bags are better for the environment, result in fewer CO2 emissions (as if that mattered) and are better for the health and well-being of the consumer.

    But, when have so-called “Progressives” EVER concerned themselves with mere facts?

    I can hear them chanting now:
    “We hate oil! We hate oil!”


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