Coming soon to Boulder

Not enough electricity

It’s so so easy to imagine these words coming from Boulder City Council…

“Steve Holliday is the UK’s power czar, basically. He’s the CEO of National Grid. He is predicting that, because the UK is moving to more wind-generated electricity to meet government emissions targets, residents will end up with less access to electricity. And they’d better learn to like it!”

Here’s more from Mr. Holliday from the Financial Post…

Electricity consumers in the UK will need to get used to flicking the switch and finding the power unavailable, according to Steve Holliday, CEO of National Grid, the country’s grid operator. Because of a six-fold increase in wind generation, which won’t be available when the wind doesn’t blow, “The grid is going to be a very different system in 2020, 2030,” he told BBC’s Radio 4. “We keep thinking that we want it to be there and provide power when we need it. It’s going to be much smarter than that.

“We are going to change our own behaviour and consume it when it is available and available cheaply.”

Progress!  Looks like they have their own version of “Hope and Change” across the pond. 

Boulder is beginning the process of having less electricity.  Of course, no one can dress up a pig like the Boulder green movement…

The end goal, Koehn said, is to secure an energy supply that is not only cleaner than what residents have now — which relies largely on coal and natural gas — but that is also as local and reliable as possible.

“The purpose of this project, ultimately, is to ensure that customers in the city have access to reliable energy that’s increasingly clean and remains competitively priced,” Koehn said. “Whatever decision is made this year or next will basically determine how we are able to meet those goals with regards to emissions and with regards to long-term rate stability.”

The key phrase: “as possible”.

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