Among the most cynical people on earth

Yikes, I don’t feel that way.  Oh well, I could change the name of the blog I suppose!

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2 Responses to Among the most cynical people on earth

  1. SBVOR says:

    Historically, I have cited the NYT on occasion. Citing the NYT leaves the Leftists without a phony right wing bias argument.

    I guess I'll have to stop citing the NYT in my blog. I darn sure won't pay to support their Leftist claptrap.

  2. ChrisA says:

    Ha! Wouldn't pay them a nickel either. Just as I wouldn't pay for the local Boulder paper.

    Regarding the NYT, Glenn Reynolds says it as only he can…

    WELL, “TIMES SELECT” WORKED SO WELL: New York Times going to online pay model. On the other hand, anything that puts Krugman back behind a paywall can’t be all bad.

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