Daily Archives: March 10, 2011

Wisconsin: Legacy media

Ann Alhouse skewers the New York Times and they deserve worse. Cut off access? But they stormed in last night, overwhelming the police, and they were blocking legislators access to offices and the Assembly chamber this morning. I just heard … Continue reading

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Maine: One helluva an Obamacare Waiver

The entire state of Maine gets an Obamacare waiver. Aside from Maine’s insurance experiment being a failure, why do they need a waiver on overhead expenses? If Maine’s own ObamaCare precursor had worked to achieve cost control, then why does … Continue reading

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The American public: Debt ignorance

Good grief. I didn’t realize the general public was a stoopid as the Boulder progressive elite. More than 7 in 10 respondents say slashing foreign aid and pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan would result in substantial savings, and … Continue reading

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Obama increases NPR funding

The idiocy boggles the mind.

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