Health Care Cooperatives in Colorado

Over at the Daily Camera columnist Clay Evans explores Colorado Senator Irene Aguilar’s steps towards heathcare reform that would form a study group on health care cooperatives. I tried to post a comment in the comments section but it was too long. I don’t have time to waste with that. Here is the post I was trying to make…

“”People don`t realize how important … access to health care is until they need it,”

And why in the world is that?

There’s a group of people who feel entitled (wonder where they got feeling), those that can’t afford it, and those who believe since they never get sick that they never will. Good news for groups 1 and 3, if you have gone 6 months without insurance you might as well wait as whenever you get sick you simply sign up for the Federal risk pool. Of course, coverage only starts on the 1st of the month so arrange your illness or accident accordingly. I suspect the risk pool will come in handy for (consulting or independent) columnist Ed Quilling over at the Denver post who recently was diagnosed with diabetes and had let his insurance lapse.

Groups 1 and 3, I have news for you, it can happen to you out of the blue, be it an accident that puts you in a coma or any number of other diseases that occur. You are part of the population that make up the statistics.

Medicaid may help group 2 but keep in mind the state budget is already in shambles.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t believe the healthcare system is broken. Perhaps Irene Aguilar IS on the right track, but to me, actions that hide the cost are not the answer, actions that expose the cost ahead of time are. We need both price discovery and price shopping. It’s just when I read an “Apple Pie” phrase like this…

Create access for all; offer freedom to choose our own doctors, hospitals and other providers; reduce health-care costs through improved wellness and prevention programs; allow for reimbursement outside the system; create more jobs in health care; provide sustainable funding for the system; and more (go to or Aguilar`s Web site, for more information).

…it leaves me skeptical and wondering where the critical thinking has gone.

I’ll have more on this at another time.

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