Travelers are in the very best of hands

TSA Hit With Lawsuits As Revolt Explodes

“As the TSA agent was frisking plaintiff, the agent pulled the plaintiff’s blouse completely down, exposing plaintiffs’ breasts to everyone in the area,” the lawsuit said. “As would be expected, plaintiff was extremely embarrassed and humiliated.”

TSA workers continued to laugh and joke about the incident “for an extended period of time,” leaving the woman distraught and needing to be consoled. After the woman re-entered the boarding area, TSA workers continued to humiliate her over the incident.

“One male TSA employee expressed to the plaintiff that he wished he would have been there when she came through the first time and that ‘he would just have to watch the video,’” the suit said.

From now on, ALL Congressman (& Congresswomen added 11/17 @ 20:58) who don’t drive must fly by commercial air and be subject to the exact same f*cking treatment as the people who elected them.

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