Insulting the electorate….

Is it a wise campaign strategy?  John Hinderaker comments….

He concludes…

In 2008, millions of voters gambled on the hope that the Democrats might have something to offer other than their historic recipe of higher taxes and spending and more government power. Over the last two years, those voters have found out they were wrong. The Democrats have no new ideas; unlike Joe Biden’s description of the Republicans, this is your father’s Democratic Party (if your father is of the generation of Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy). Thus is is entirely logical, and not the result of some irrational spasm, that independent voters should turn away from the Democrats, and that Republicans should be energized and Democrats–those who had hoped for more, at least–dispirited. It is true that some Americans are fearful; after seeing the Democrats’ performance over the last two years, they should be. (emphasis added – Ed)

To elite’s I think that dissing the electorate that disagrees with them comes naturally.  I know in Boulder, dissing Republican’s does.

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