Yes on County Issue 1A: We must support our neighbors in need
Investment in the future: Support for open space measure
Two things I learned is when forced to prioritize, Issue 1A is more important…
If voters support one tax increase by the county this year, this is the one that most humbly asks for, and deserves, their support.
and that Erika Stutzman and the Daily Camera editorial staff are incredibly naive…
(ed note: the short period of time is 5 years)
This is an emergency, a short window of time when those in need are asking their neighbors to dig deep.
Unbelievable. You don’t even have to get out of the 24 square miles surrounded by reality to know that taxes don’t go away. It’s especially “funny” that when renewal time comes around the taxes are no longer called increases or new taxes. To me, a statement such as this detracts from the endorsement as well as reflecting poorly on the authors.