2010 Tax endorsments from local papers

When it comes to taxes, the Boulder Weekly and the Boulder Daily Camera move in lockstep.

County Human Services:              1A    YES

County Open Space:                   1B    YES

City of Boulder
   Public Accommodations Tax:      2A   YES

City of Boulder
    Utility Occupation Tax:           2B   YES

BV School District  3A:              3A    YES

One thing Boulder progressives are good at is group think and the editors of both the Boulder Daily Camera and the Boulder Weekly should plead guilty.  Needless to say, in their vision of the perfect world these taxes are necessary.

Let’s get this straight, the American Public is in the middle of the Great Recession and the media progressives can’t find a tax they don’t like.  This is beyond pathetic, it should be nothing short of ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSING. 

At least the Boulder Weekly admits to their bias

As for our endorsements, we were disappointed to find that we endorsed a slate made up entirely of Democrats. We try to evaluate individuals on their merits, not their politics. We tried our best to find some Republicans and independents to endorse. But with everyone on the right wearing their anger on their sleeves and trying to Tea Party harder than the competition, we had no choice but to go with Democrats.

No choice.  I suggest you get outside the 24 square miles and venture into reality.

You can view the Boulder Weekly endorsements here.

For some reason, the Boulder Daily Camera doesn’t have a web page that summarizes their 2010 endorsements.  If they have one, I wish they would tell me how in the hell to search for it so I could locate it.

I can’t vote for City taxes but the the only tax I will consider voting YES for is County Human Services Tax, 1A.  It will be interesting to see how the election turns out.  As I’ve said before, “I can’t wait to vote”.  Our ballots haven’t arrived yet.

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