Property rights and Boulder

Boulder could force homeowners to sell their land for floodplain improvements

The city recently concluded a new map of the floodplain, which found about 700 structures are located in the danger zone.

While Swanstrom’s house isn’t one of them, the city does see an opportunity to use his land to save other people’s property. A draft plan calls for the city to purchase his property, as well as the home and property of neighbors John and Pat Militzer, clearing the land down 5 feet and installing berms to hold back water if the nearby creek spills over.

The resulting pit, located along the eastern side of the 1200 block of Marshall Road, would have the ability to retain 400 acre-feet — or about 130 million gallons — of water, according to city engineers.

But none of the property owners wants to sell, and the city would have to use eminent domain to force the homeowners out.

(emphasis added)

Well Duh.

I liked this comment suggesting the “snail darter” defense

I am sure that if the owner looked hard enough, he could find some endangered species which could be wiped out by the dam.

9/14 @ 9:51a added “snail darter defense” link.

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