Daily Archives: September 4, 2010

GOP: Rudderless

Don’t get cocky, GOP I particularly like this thought… The GOP still appear rudderless — despite perfect conditions for a cogent message of austerity and limited government to emerge. Instead, the GOP are simply enjoying the fruits of a bad … Continue reading

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Property rights and Boulder

Boulder could force homeowners to sell their land for floodplain improvements The city recently concluded a new map of the floodplain, which found about 700 structures are located in the danger zone. While Swanstrom’s house isn’t one of them, the … Continue reading

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Special events and Highway 36

Is there ever a Summer weekend without a special event using this road somewhere between North Boulder and Lyons? I don’t know how you register and get permission, but I’d like to register a “non-event” event simply to keep others from having … Continue reading

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USA, not a good place to do business?

via Instapundit, via Hugh Hewitt, via comments… Plus, from the comments: “The USA is increasingly not a good place to do business. We need a stiff broom. I worry that the GOP won’t do what it takes.” So do I. … Continue reading

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