And you thought offshore drilling is bad?

Obamacare via Instapundit includes these delicious snippits…

Long time reader, first time writer. 22 years old. Just wanted to comment briefly on something you mentioned about Obamacare. I have a lot of friends my own age who were all for socialized medicine, and wholeheartedly supported the idea of healthcare reform. We’re talking very, very, very liberal kids. They hate this thing. The overwhelming consensus among kids my age is pretty much as follows: We pay into social security which we KNOW we’ll never get anything from. In much the same vein, Obamacare is yet another way in which we’re being taxed to support a bunch of old people. Overwhelmingly, we feel that we’re being taken advantage of to subsidize a bunch of old people we don’t know, will never meet, and frankly shouldn’t need to be paying to support.


I can’t even tell you how many people my own age who voted for Obama have come to me and told me how disappointed they are in what he’s done with this whole thing.

and another Instapundit reader comments…

We have a good medical system in this country that can and should be improved, not replaced by something which will cost vastly more and give much poorer quality of care. It’s not perfect, but people come here from all over the world because of what we have now. Not many go from here to England or Sweden for medical care they cannot get here.

I can’t even tell you how unsurprised I am that those who voted for Mr. Obama are now surprised. I’m not surprised. He is exactly like I expected. And feared.

(emphasis added – ed)

And getting to the popularity of Obamacare vs. oil spills

How is that “Hope and Change” working. Heck, even the Boulder Daily Camera worked up the courage to criticize Obama.

And when this particular administration has sworn to be completely transparent, the unseemliness of politics as usual sinks to a lower level.

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