Monthly Archives: April 2010

Tale of Two Cities

Boulder Colorado Springs Hopefully the article will become available to non-subscribers in the near future.

Posted in taxes | 1 Comment

A very special President

What if Bush had done this? World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit must have felt for a moment that they had instead been transported to Soviet-era Moscow. The local Dem’s would be going apoplectic. Of … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, Boulder is stoopid, legacy media, Obama | Leave a comment

You can’t make this up for $1000

Whoops he did it again… and the question is…

Posted in arrogance, Obama is stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Bias of veteran journalists…

The sin of certainty. The journalists at the press conference didn’t have a bias as the term is normally used; that is, I didn’t get the sense that they were inherently for or against the company or its product. They … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, media bias | Leave a comment

Where is my free healthcare?

Good grief. “They’re saying, ‘Where do we get the free Obama care, and how do I sign up for that?’ ” said Carrie McLean, a licensed agent for The California-based company sells coverage from 185 health insurance carriers in … Continue reading

Posted in ObamaCare, socialism | Leave a comment

Government will save us….

Michael Brown has a different opinion. The monologue starts at 11 minutes, however if you’re impatient I suggest starting at 22:20′.

Posted in Education, ObamaCare, stoopid government | Leave a comment

Boulderites, be afraid….

well you know how it goes. And here’s the reason… Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party They are not typical Tea Party activists: A woman who voted for President Obama and believes he’s a “phenomenal speaker.” Another who said she … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, everything Obama, ObamaCare, Tea Party, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Healthcare reform starting ahead of schedule

hmmm… The sign reads: “If you voted for Obama … seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years.” Reading further…. In his waiting room, Cassell also has provided his patients with photocopies of … Continue reading

Posted in ObamaCare | Leave a comment

CBS poll…

on Obama’s first year in office. Judging from the results, Obama needs some Boulderites to vote. Keep in mind this is a CBS poll, not a Fox news poll.

Posted in everything Obama, Obama, ObamaCare, Obamanomics | Leave a comment

Obama worse than Bush…

… on warrantless wiretapping. From the San Francisco Chronicle no less. Just as significant as the ruling, however, may be what the case demonstrates about the Obama Justice Department’s approach to surveillance of suspected terrorists. Eisenberg told SF Weekly that … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, Obama, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

“I don’t worry about the Consititution”

Isn’t there something about the Constitution in their oath of office? Then there’s other confusion regarding important documents.

Posted in stoopid Democrats, stoopid politicians, you can't make this stuff up | 2 Comments

Younger generation: THANK YOU!

So nice of the young progressives to want to take care of everybody. They get to pay for it too!

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Stop Helping

From the Denver Tea Party… More photos over at Safety Hammock, a Colorado blog that I added to the “non-progressive” Colorado blog roll. h/t to Instapundit.

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Hank Johnson, this dude is very stoopid

Guam is going to tip over or something… LOL! This dude must be an attorney or something. Who else could say something so stoopid with a straight face. h/t to Hot Air.

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