Hey, she’s not from Boulder!

That would be Shikha Dalmia and her column on Obamacare in Forbes magazine proves it.

So why didn’t the Democrats pull back when they still had the chance? The reason is that both the Democratic Party and President Obama have mutually reinforcing blind spots that have rendered them incapable of seeing what’s crystal clear to every other sentient being in the country: This was the wrong bill at the wrong time.

Sounds like not to many “sentient beings” in Boulder!

She goes on to comment…

There are not enough taxpayers in the country or creditors in China capable of financing all these promises. Expanding this massive, multifarious entitlement state even more strikes most normal people as sheer lunacy–especially now that it is visibly coming apart at the seams.

Perhaps Shikha’s right about that “sentient being” thing.

h/t to Instapundit

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