Daily Archives: March 17, 2010

Good thing Walmart never got a Boulder store

If they did, they would have to fire most of their employees. Wal-Mart ‘Sympathetic’ to Man Fired for Using Medical Pot, but Won’t Rehire Him

Posted in idiocy, the weekend | Leave a comment

Beyond Sleazy…

If Bush was trying this tactic the Daily Camera editorial pages would be squealing like a stuck pig. Obviously editorial pages are supposed to be biased…

Posted in legacy media, media bias, ObamaCare | Leave a comment

Physicians not feeling it.

Love for Obamacare that is. •46.3% of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal medicine) feel that the passing of health reform will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine.•36% of physicians would not … Continue reading

Posted in Going Galt, ObamaCare | Leave a comment

Nat “King” Cole

Cool! He was born on St. Patricks Day in 1919 plus or minus. More background and videos at Powerline.

Posted in the weekend | Leave a comment

Odds of Obamacare passing plummet…

on the futures exchange at any rate. Follow the action at Intrade.

Posted in ObamaCare | Leave a comment

Premiums fall 3000%

Good gawd, you can’t make up stuff like this. Not to mention it’s the President of the United States. Someone must have put a virus in his teleprompter or something. If Bush had said something this stoopid it would be … Continue reading

Posted in idiocy, Obama is stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment