Daily Archives: March 10, 2010

Kill the (Obamacare) bill

The St. Louis anti-Obamacare rally. Expected attendance was 600 but 2225 showed up! Gotta love it.

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PJTV on Al Gore and Honorary Doctorate

Interesting times at the old alma mater. Lane Kiffin must have taught them that controversy was good! Enjoy.

Posted in The University of Tennessee is stoopid | Leave a comment

Not in Boulder!

Oh my: 68% now oppose passing ObamaCare without Republican support In Boulder, a Republican is a non-entity. If you are introduced to a new acquaintance, they will automatically assume you’re a Democrat. They won’t bother to probe, they’ll speak to … Continue reading

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Census suggestion

List your race as “American”. Sounds like a great idea to me!

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Hey I got one too!

I got a letter from the census todayWhat idiocy.

Posted in census, idiocy, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment