Ok, I’ve got it. He didn’t have health care, so he shot a couple of kids, and it’s the fault of the GOP, and they’re anti-American. Yikes. One of us failed the class. And I don’t think it was me.
As elected Republican officials continue to deny a huge number of citizens health coverage, you have contributed to another tragedy. The young man who went to Deer Creek Middle School with a gun and opened fire was denied medical care because he could not afford it. How many more tragedies do you want on your conscience before everyone is given the health care they need and deserve? Countries that are supposedly far less advanced than our own do not treat their citizens this way.
You may think you are stopping our president from helping his country, but you are mistaken. You are anti-American.
Christina Gonzales, Arvada
2.27@13:35: link and labels added by ChrisA