Daily Archives: February 1, 2010

Bad science and where is the legacy media?

Naturally, we’re talking climategate, glaciergate and just general global warming. Of course you wouldn’t know it if you depended on the U.S. legacy media. Nice summary from the linked article which concludes… Bad science done using bad data to start … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, Climategate, glaciergate, global warming, idiocy, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Longmont trying to become more like Boulder

Longmont looks to add red-light cameras. It’s all about the money and perhaps you can throw in a little bit of power.

Posted in idiocy, longmont is stoopid, Traffic control | Leave a comment

Amateur hour (day, year, decade?) at IPCC

The International Panal on Climate Change is turning out to be an international joke and embarrassment. Let’s see bogus claims based on non peer reviewed amateurish research include: Global warming might wipe out 40% of the Amazon rainforest Climate change … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, Climategate, idiocy, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment