Monthly Archives: January 2010


Oh algore, where are you when we need you? Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA…CHILL MAP…3 Deaths Due To Cold in Memphis…PAPER: GAS SUPPLIES RUNNING OUT IN UK…Elderly burn books for warmth?Vermont sets ‘all-time record for one … Continue reading

Posted in global warming | Leave a comment

The messiah in all his glory…

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Non-human persons

Dolphins that is. I expect this terminology to rapidly become part of the Boulder lexicon.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, the weekend | Leave a comment

Priorities reversed?

The Obama administrations thin skin on display once more. Grow up already.

Posted in Obama | Leave a comment

It’s all about the money

and apparently in Arizona the speed camera’s are: 1. Not generating enough money and… 2. Generating a grass roots revolt. Now there’s an idea whose time has come!

Posted in speed traps, Traffic control | Leave a comment

Erroll Southers

For reasons that aren’t quite clear to me, my one sentence posting on Erroll Southers has consistently generated a lot of traffic, and with recent events it has only accelerated. For those of you looking for a little more information, … Continue reading

Posted in Obama | Leave a comment

2010 Watchwords

As readers could probably guess without prompting, I voted for “Hide the Decline”. I did gave serious consideration to “I am to misbehave”. You can vote here.

Posted in global warming, the weekend | Leave a comment

Congress shall make no law….

A proposed Constitutional amendment from an Instapundit reader… Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid government | Leave a comment

The trend is down

Keep up the good work!

Posted in Obama | Leave a comment

The threat of global warming

In todays LTE at the Daily Camera,Addle Dupuls

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Thanks “Uncle Bob”

Thanks to Uncle Bob for his posts during my absence.

Posted in the weekend | Leave a comment


Mayo clinic stops accepting Medicare at Arizona facility. A sign of things to come? Don’t worry liberals, Congress can fix it. It’s just another law and another loss of liberty. Not to worry.

Posted in freedom, ObamaCare | Leave a comment