Not perfect. But absolutely stoopid…

Geez, she lives in my town. Rats. And we’re turning into Boulder. “It’s too hard.” Puke. Get gov’t out of it. Not more gov’t . Then we’ll be better off. . She makes me lose sleep at night.

Health care

A good start

to reform

In my work as an Organizing for America volunteer, I find myself talking with people who are disgusted with the process — some are even disgusted with our president. I feel so sorry for the ones who thought Barack Obama was some Super Human Being who could change politics, overnight. I feel sad for the ones who have given up because this is too hard. I feel angry for those who have become so frightened by the constant stream of negative advertising and ratings-grabbing reporting that they no longer want to act in their own best interests.

Then, I get a call or a knock on the door from a volunteer who wants to help take this legislation the rest of the way. I’m reminded of the real courage and conviction of our two state senators who put their careers on the line for this important legislation and I find my heart nearly pounding out of my chest with pride that I get to be a small part of it.

This legislation will reform insurance company practices that have hurt every one of us — or someone we love. It will provide choices to 30 million people who currently have none. It will allow our seniors to sleep at night knowing the prescription donut hole will no longer exist and their Medicare benefits will no longer be eroded year after year. It will do all this at the same time that it begins to decrease our national debt.

It’s not a perfect bill; but it’s a perfect start.


Fort Collins

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