Education mismatch

Turns out education mismatch is leading to women who can’t find a mate. Dr. Helen examines an article by Richard Whitmore, author of Why Boys Fail. Most interesting is her conclusion…

So our society has created a mess where men are vilified in the classroom, fed PC rhetoric, told their life’s goal is to make women happy and do anything that assists her with her goals, while simultaneously told that he is a dope, idiot and unable to care properly for children, and now people are questioning where Mr. Right went?

He just became the stereotype that society has portrayed him as for the last 20 years. It is certainly no mystery that women can no longer find “Mr. Right.”

Apparently not a problem that Arlen Specter suffers from.

Almost as interesting as Dr. Helen’s post are the comments. I especially enjoy the thread that turned into a comment on our young high school students and the lack either motivation or challenges…

Helen, I can’t find fault with your theory, except to say this: As someone who teaches mostly at the high school senior level, I am convinced our school systems and society have created a generation left unchallenged. By this, I mean they have been told for years that success is nothing to get excited about, and they will be just fine coasting along, with everything being done FOR them. Male or female… a generation trained to entitlements. I can’t help but be certain this translates into their personal relationships as well.

Now I suspect the teacher is somewhat jaded as I have been impressed by some of the high school students that I have met. I do agree that sending the message that success doesn’t matter is a problem.

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