The panacea of gov’t health care

Gee, Jim, maybe they’re against it because it is 2000+ pages of legal gibberish and means much more gov’t control over our lives. And how many people voted for Bennet, anyway? Also, Lieberman still voted for it. How courageous. I love the way Jim says “taxpayer funds.” That’s my money, moron. And perhaps you should check your numbers. I doubt that 70% support this atrocity.

From the Boulder Daily Camera:

No more polical games
Despite the entrenched, often nasty, opposition of every Republican Senator to whatever health care reform President Obama supported, and the opposition of Joe Lieberman to the nonprofit public plan that over 70 percent of Americans supported, the Senate is moving closer to passing a bill before Christmas.
Colorado has two Senators, Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, who have not wavered in their support for the reforms we have needed for so long, and are so close to getting. Bennet spoke out yesterday against the same old Washington political games and maneuvers that have marked the current debate and legislative deals. Good for him.
Let’s hope the expected conference with the House strips them out, so that taxpayer funds go to reforming health care for all Americans, not for special interests who have spent over $650 million lobbying against reform this year.

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