Support for Healthcare reform falling fast

At least the Senate version. From CNN…

As you may know, the U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would make major changes in the country’s health care system. Based on what you have read or heard about that bill, do you generally favor it or generally oppose it?

Dec. 2-3 2009
Favor 36%
Oppose 61%
No opinion 4%

The same question a month ago…

Nov. 13-15 2009
Favor 46%
Oppose 49%
No opinion 5%

Wow, a 10% slide in less than one month. Details here.

Added at 10:54a

From, where they aggregate all the polling…

And analysis over at Hot that concludes…

Plain and simple, whatever they pass is going to be radioactive. And yet, they’ve convinced themselves that passing nothing would be worse. Would it?

Pass nothing and start over.

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