Climate Bill gets passed through committee

Great. Who is going to be hiring I ask?

Taxes and penalties going up for:

  • Health care
  • Climate change bill

Does money just grow on trees?  Libs, perhaps you should pass a law demanding that private corporation hire the unemployed whether they need them or not.  The government can subsidize the whole process.

Is there no cost too high for the progressive and liberal agenda?  Didn’t think so.

Do you think money grows on trees? (Don’t answer that).

Gold is up 2 1/2x in 5 years.  Here is my bet that it will do another 2 1/2x in the next 5 years.  That would be over $2500 per oz for those of you who don’t have your calculator and the public schools didn’t teach you how to multiply.  Can you “skip count” 2 1/2x ?
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