War on Fox generating push back

The White house war on Fox news and other conservative outlets is generating push back. No surprise there, although where some of the push back is coming from might be a little surprising…

“It’s a mistake,” said Rep. Jason Altmire, a moderate Democrat from western Pennsylvania. “I think it’s beneath the White House to get into a tit for tat with news organizations.”

Altmire was talking about the Obama administration’s efforts to undercut Fox News. But he said his remarks applied just the same to White House efforts to marginalize the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a powerful business lobby targeted for its opposition to climate change legislation.

“There’s no reason to gratuitously piss off all those companies,” added another Democrat, Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia. “The Chamber isn’t an opponent.”

No need to worry, we have a tone deaf White House. They will truly have to put their hand on the hot burner to realize they have made a mistake. So the question is, what is the metaphor a hot burner to this administration?

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