Monthly Archives: October 2009

Almost 50% don’t pay taxes

That’s a problem. This isn’t new information but what the heh. As Darren points out…. There are too many people voting on what to do with somebody else’s money and that’s not sustainable.

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Small business going galt?

Makes perfect sense to me.

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Beam me up Part 2

More government meddling idiocy…

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Health care bill common sense

From Senate Health Finance committee Democrat Thomas Carper… Carper described the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as “arcane,” “confusing,” “hard stuff to understand,” and “incomprehensible.” He likened it to the “gibberish” … Continue reading

Posted in common sense, ObamaCare | Leave a comment

Chicago is out!

Utter disbelief from CNN. h/t to Hot Air.

Posted in Obama, Olympics, the weekend | Leave a comment

Raise your hand…

Raise your hand if you think we can trust Iran’s promises So both Obama and Ahmadinejad got what they wanted yesterday. Representatives could sit down together with representatives from the Security Council countries plus Germany and then get up and … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, Obama | Leave a comment

It’s Michael Jordan’s Fault

Chicago being eliminated in the first round of voting for the 2016 Olympics.

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Boulder should adopt Garrison Keillor

“Thirty-two percent of the population identifies with the GOP, and if we cut off health care to them, we could probably pay off the deficit in short order.” I don’t believe Garrison would stand out in the least among Boulder … Continue reading

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Beam me up….

Stop babysitting neighbors kids… Each day before the school bus comes to pick up the neighborhood’s children, Lisa Snyder did a favor for three of her fellow moms, welcoming their children into her home for about an hour before they … Continue reading

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