Monthly Archives: October 2009

50 days to save the world.

Good grief. The UK faces a “catastrophe” of floods, droughts and killer heatwaves if world leaders fail to agree a deal on climate change, the prime minister has warned. Gordon Brown said negotiators had 50 days to save the world … Continue reading

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From the real cable news network

Let’s remember CNN news anchor (not opinionist) Anderson Cooper’s recent statement: “It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging”. Yea, and they’re a real news network.

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Shrill, desperate, bullying…

Obama takes on the evil health insurance industry.

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$1.4 Trillion dollar deficit

Can’t make this stuff up! Well on second thought the government is probably printing money, that seems awfully close to “making it up”. Of course it could still turn out to be a beautiful world.

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Stoopid CNN Survey

Well the subject matter is good for a survey, it’s the missing pre-selected answers that are the problem. Inquiring minds want to know why there is no selection for “bad idea” or “stoopid idea” or “it’s a bribe”?

Posted in msm, the weekend | Leave a comment

Lessons from the Rush Limbaugh debacle

It’s time for conservatives to make the marketplace work for them… And therein lies a lesson for conservatives: we should consider making the marketplace work for us. This means, for example, organizing boycotts of the goods and services of those … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid | 3 Comments

Minnesota: 16 degrees BELOW normal this October

No Summer, No Fall. I particularly enjoy the conclusion, although I don’t believe you can extrapolate a particular regions weather to make statements regarding the whole globe. It is quite remarkable that liberals continue to sell their global warming/government takeover … Continue reading

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A lesson for the MSM/Legacy media

The blatant beast. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the MSM is too arrogant to accept it, much less learn from it. Still, the media will pay a price for the “successful” campaign against Limbaugh. It will never take the form of huge … Continue reading

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The true cost of global warming hysteria

Not Evil Just Wrong Not to mention holding underwater Cabinet meetings!

Posted in global warming, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Healthcare astroturfing

Pushing the White House health care agenda. A lesson in ethics and morality. The White House orchestrated support, played to the support, and crowed about the support, used the front groups to fund advertising, and then used all that to … Continue reading

Posted in idiocy, msm, ObamaCare, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

Nevadans on Harry Reid

They just don’t like him very much. Imagine that.

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Healthcare bribery

Senate Democrats look to bribe our physicians to increase their support of health care reform. Maneuvering to boost prospects for sweeping health care legislation, Senate Democrats hope first to win quick approval for a bill that grants doctors a $247 … Continue reading

Posted in common sense, idiocy, ObamaCare, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

21st century skills

Another education FAD. You gotta teach the 3 R’s first. I couldn’t agree more with the conclusion… But we have ignored what matters most. We have neglected to teach them that one cannot think critically without quite a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in Education, math | Leave a comment

Top 10 health care questions

Certainly they could have found a better example for question #7 (starts at 3m 13s)? I guess if “you’re right” then the truth doesn’t matter? No doubt there ARE good examples, why was the Obama administration so lazy that they … Continue reading

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Apparently a virtue that only Conservatives can have. The only answer is that “divisive” is a criticism that applies only to conservatives. It is not possible for a liberal to be “divisive,” however crazed he or she may be. This … Continue reading

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From 4% to 16% of GDP

That’s health care spending change from 1960’s to today. John Mackey’s political philosophy… “I believe in capitalism, I believe in markets, I believe in individual empowerment and indivual choice. So that’s my philosophy of politics and…” (very slight editing for … Continue reading

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Interracial marriage

Apparently a Justice of the Peace in Louisiana has an issue with interracial marriage. His justification? “I don’t do interracial marriages because I don’t want to put children in a situation they didn’t bring on themselves,” Bardwell said. “In my … Continue reading

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Hurricane season

Atlantic/Carribbean hurricane season consisted of 8 tropical storms and 2 hurricanes. Those evil capitalist insurance companies are making out like bandits this year. There oughta be a law don’t ya think?

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Losing their religion

2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears A steady stream of peer-reviewed studies, a continued lack of global warming, real world data and scientists continuing to dissent, have finally moved major establishment media … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, global warming | Leave a comment

The wisdom of 10th graders…

AP 10th graders can figure out that attacking Fox news is not a good strategy, why can’t the administration… My AP Government class is just finishing up the unit on the media and politics. Yesterday we talked about allegations of … Continue reading

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