Monthly Archives: October 2009

Investigate the BCS???

I’m sorry Orrin Hatch (well not really!), the words don’t escape me that describe what a stoopid idiot you are, at least on this issue, I’m just not going to use them on a public forum. Repeat after me, “Compared … Continue reading

Posted in idiocy, stoopid politicians, the weekend | Leave a comment

Net Neutrality

Why would Brad Feld, a very smart guy, not recognize that Jared Polis would be opposed to Net Neutrality.

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Long term fiscal outlook

Economist Craig Newmark take a look at a recently released GAO report that examines the long term fiscal outlook of the United States. It makes for depressing, although not surprising reading. These fiscal challenges are driven by health care cost … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, decline of the west, entitlement, gloom and doom, msm, ObamaCare, stoopid politicians | Leave a comment

Nanny State Fiorina

How disappointing.

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Dr. bribe fails

Common sense?. It looked like the fix was in. The “Doc Fix,” that is. As the Heritage Foundation has been reporting, the White House and Dem leaders scurried today to try and pass a $247 billion payoff to doctors groups … Continue reading

Posted in bribery, idiocy, ObamaCare, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

“I like screwing with these people”!

Andrew Breitbart: A Merry Prankster Declares War on the Democrat-Media Complex

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ACORN media coverage

In a word, complicit. First, there was avoidance. Some media outlets simply ignored the story. That’s the Boulder Daily Camera. In their defense they would most likely proclaim that this is not a local issue and they don’t have the … Continue reading

Posted in ACORN, media bias, msm | Leave a comment

Government funded propaganda?

Is the Department of Health and Human Services web site engaging in government funded propaganda? Voila, nirvana! Boulderites should click on the link above and send the letter to the President.

Posted in ObamaCare, stoopid government | Leave a comment

We’re not on a need to know basis

Smug leaders

Posted in arrogance, idiocy, ObamaCare, stoopid politicians | Leave a comment

More on “What tea party people are like”

Scratch beneath the surface of the liberal/progressive media to begin to understand. … and some great pictures from the SF Tea party. Did they have to import people to have a Tea Party in San Francisco? Inquring minds want to … Continue reading

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Keep up the good work Democrats…

Of course it’s only a Rasmussen poll. Even taking that with a grain of salt, it’s being compared with the same poll only a month ago. My advice to Democrats would be to step back, take a deep breath and … Continue reading

Posted in economy, Education, ethics, Immigration, ObamaCare, social security, stoopid Democrats, taxes | Leave a comment

Who is smarter?

Mike Tyson or Anita Dunn? The conclusion… Still, if I ask the question: who is dumber, Mike Tyson or Anita Dunn, I have to say the answer is Anita Dunn. Tyson grew up alone on the streets of New York … Continue reading

Posted in the weekend, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Attention liberal editors

Most likely that would be you! The criticism of Fox is not amied at Fox. If the liberal editors accept the criticism, they’ll feel good about hiding right-of-center news stories from busy, non-political, swing-voting Americans. It sure works locally. The … Continue reading

Posted in msm | Leave a comment

Obama and the insurance companies have something in common?

Apparently so according to the Washington Examiner. Betsy examines. In his presidential radio address this weekend, Obama criticized insurance companies for offering up “smoke and mirrors” and false promises on reform. How ironic when Obama has been doing the same. … Continue reading

Posted in Obama, ObamaCare, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

Newt you don’t really support Scozzafava do you?

What a jewel Dede Scozzafava is. It takes RINO to a whole new level. More over at Dump Dede!

Posted in RINO, stoopid Republicans | Leave a comment


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Pelosi approval rating 34%!

Californians are seeing the light? Of course, since she represents the San Francisco area her job is probably fairly safe.

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Democratic party on collision course with voters. Well, probably not in Boulder! The answer to this collision course is not necessarily the Republican party, it’s a new breed of politician. Unfortunately, I can’t see that new breed coming out of … Continue reading

Posted in ObamaCare, stoopid Democrats, stoopid politicians | Leave a comment