Opposition to war in Afghanistan

Boulder bike ride planned in opposition to Afghanistan war.

Two Boulder groups have organized a bike ride for Wednesday afternoon to protest U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan.

Perhaps the protesters would check in with Code Pink.

Code Pink, founded in 2002 to oppose the US invasion of Iraq, is one of the more high-profile women’s antiwar groups being forced to rethink its position as Afghan women explain theirs: Without international troops, they say, armed groups could return with a vengeance – and that would leave women most vulnerable.

Though Afghans have their grievances against the international troops’ presence, chief among them civilian casualties, many fear an abrupt departure would create a dangerous security vacuum to be filled by predatory and rapacious militias. Many women, primary victims of such groups in the past, are adamant that international troops stay until a sufficient number of local forces are trained and the rule of law established. (Read more about Afghan women’s concerns here.)

(bold is mine)

Obama is President and suddenly nothing is simple anymore. Wow.

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