Monthly Archives: September 2009

No posting

My 84 year old mother had emergency surgery and had her spleen and gall bladder removed. Recovery is going as well as can be expected and blogging should resume sometime later this week.

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Overexposure II

Long since passed. “He’s turning the presidency into an infomercial,” warned former White House speechwriter Matt Latimer. “It’s not just damaging to the White House. It will also ultimately hurt President Obama’s image as a fresh, non-Washington leader.”

Posted in Obama, ObamaCare, Obamanomics | Leave a comment

Overexposure ==

empty suit claims Ed Morrisey over at Hot Air.

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I don’t know what a rotten acorn smells like but no doubt the ACORN organization is rotten.

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Safeway contract offer up for vote

Hey, go on strike, plenty of folks willing to take your place!

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Signs and Stimulus

Ahhh, to be a sign maker near stimulus projects! There are stimulus signs in all three directions for the work to fix the dangerous situation at the intersection of North Broadway and Hwy 36. Of course the simple question is … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, Obamanomics, stimulus | Leave a comment

Shutting down offices

ACORN that is.

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Media matters that is. They make the following claim… Fox News’ Glenn Beck recently aired a video indicating that an ACORN employee shot and killed her husband, without first bothering to verify whether the husband is, in fact, dead. He … Continue reading

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“Biggest bunch of crybabies…”

’nuff said.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, Obama, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

Opposition to Obamacare increases

Accoring to Rasmussen, it has reached a new high of 56% of likely voters. Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide now oppose the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the highest level of opposition yet … Continue reading

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The ACORN 75

Let me remind you once again that would include Jared Polis and Diana DeGette. The Wall Street Journal describes the political leanings of the ACORN 75. They conclude… The House vote came a day after the release of the latest … Continue reading

Posted in ACORN, Boulder is stoopid, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

What is “the plan”?

Is it whatever is convenient at the time? How do we know the facts if we don’t know the plan? The Biggest Lie on Health Reform

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Democrats abandon ACORN

A few weeks ago who would have thought that the Democrats would abandon ACORN in droves? It was an absolutely mind-blowing turn of events, a total collapse of longtime Democratic support for ACORN. Republicans had worked for years to reduce … Continue reading

Posted in ACORN, Obamacorn | Leave a comment

Jack of all trades master of none…

That would be Obama of course. Put on the brakes Mr. President! It is not just Republicans who are voicing concern with the frantic pace with which this President is seeking to govern, it is the Democrats as well. Democrats … Continue reading

Posted in Obama, stoopid Democrats, stoopid government, stoopid Republicans, Tea Party | Leave a comment

Stand up against lobbyists

In a Daily Camera letter to the editor, writer Sheri Hay from Erie is concerned that we don’t stand up against lobbyists. Here’s one paragraph… We have become complacent citizens and are no longer constructively engaged in our own government. … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, legacy media, Tea Party | Leave a comment

A small win for ACORN

I find ACORN employee Tresa Kaelke’s story believeable, it even crossed my mind for a second. “While her sense of humor might not be funny to many people, the fact is that she spun false scenario after false scenario and … Continue reading

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House votes to defund ACORN

Locals will be proud to know that Diana DeGette and Jared Polis voted to continue funding of this corrupt organization.

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Turn off the money spigot to ACORN

If you don’t like it tell your Congressman. Of course, locals who use the Daily Camera for their news have no idea what the commotion is all about regarding this corrupt organization. Heck, if you depend on the “legacy media” … Continue reading

Posted in ACORN, Boulder is stoopid, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

Wonder why?

Gold at all time closing high.

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“Where were the real reporters on this story”?

Jon Stewart asks on the Daily Show? The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Posted in ACORN, legacy media | Leave a comment