ClimateSmart to invade Boulderites homes

The Daily Camera article starts off…

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

My question is if Boulderites don’t want to drink the water, why do they keep electing the (virtually) same group of people. Thankfully I don’t live in the city, if I did I’d write the ClimateSmart folk and tell them they would be charged with tresspassing the second they stepped foot on my property.

Here’s ClimateSmarts solution…

On Thursday, the Boulder City Council will be asked to OK a new strategy for its ClimateSmart program — one that wraps together a scattering of existing programs into a one-stop-shop, meet-people-where-they-live attack on energy-wasting homes and businesses. The council will also decide whether to increase the program’s funding mechanism, the carbon tax passed in 2006.

“What we’re trying to get at is reducing the barrier to people taking action by showing up at somebody’s door with everything they need,” said Yael Gichon, who oversees the residential focus of the ClimateSmart program.

Talk about justifying your existence and empire building, these guys have it all figured out

Additionally, ClimateSmart expresses frustration that the public won’t drink the kool-aid…

And you can tell a homeowner how to save energy — and, over time, money and the environment — but you can’t make him add insulation (or air sealing, or new windows, or a compact fluorescent light bulbs or a high-efficiency refrigerator, for example.)

(my bold)
To which I ask, how long will it be until they can?

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