Who would have guessed….

Daily Camera has noticed a tension among mountain drivers and cyclists. All I can say is “what a surprise”. I left out the language I’d really like to use.

Readers of this blog, which there are very few, know I’m not particularly sympathetic to cyclists. I haven’t seen anything to change my mind either.

Regarding the cycling law, if I felt like cyclists didn’t ride with a “chip on their shoulder” I would be all for it. I’m certainly against anyone throwing objects at cyclists or creating unnecessary “close calls” and I give cyclists plenty of clearance, except when they cut right in front of me, like they did recently at the intersection of North Broadway and Hwy 36.

On Thursday I was driving into Longmont on Nelson road, and as many of you know, Nelson was recently “redone” and has a fairly decent bike lane. Well, there’s s single cyclist straddling the white line that denotes the separation of the bike lane with the standard highway (do we need these anymore?). Most of the time the cyclist clearly favored the “car side” as opposed to the bike side. While I wasn’t riding a bike, from my car I couldn’t see any debris on the bike lanes.

No, there was no traffic and yes, I gave him plenty of clearance. It’s the mindset I have a problem with. Of course, I realize what I think in this case doesn’t matter.

Getting back to the Camera article, there are some great comments. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to peruse them again at the moment, and as I type this post the comment count stands at 125.

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