Smart move Nancy

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she won’t talk any more about her charge that the CIA lied in 2002 about using waterboarding on terrorism suspects.

What took her so long to figure out this was the best course of action? Waiting for the MSM to applaud Pelosi. I’m not sure what for, but I’m sure they will!

I doubt the MSM will be sending people to!

Enjoy (or not) John Hinderakers take down of Emily Letella Pelosi. He concludes…

Nancy Pelosi is a fool and a liar, which is why she says: never mind. Anyone who saw her self-destructive press conference must wonder, further, whether she requires medication to get through the day and sometimes forgets to take her pills. There is no other obvious explanation for her bizarre performance, for her wild charges, or for her current, pathetic plea to forget the whole thing.

The country, to put it mildly, is not in good hands.

As I’ve said before, nobody can circle the wagons better than the Democrats.

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