The London Evening Standard says “sorry”
The message is an attempt by the paper to reconnect with its readership now that it is under new ownership and will appear in the next few weeks on the side of buses and on the underground. Other slogans will say Sorry for being negative, for taking you for granted, for being complacent and for being predictable.
Complacent? Actually, I feel sure the DC isn’t complacent as there is no doubt in my mind they want every subscriber that they can get. Capitalism at its finest? 😉
Taking their subscribers “for granted“? Don’t know about that either. I do think they take their “base” for granted and why not?
Negative? Well, perhaps, but with “hope and change” in office they don’t seem so negative. The first 100 days are over, Obama’s done stuff you would never let Bush off the hook on, time to sharpen those pencils. Yeah, of course you’re a local paper, but that never stopped the editors from bloviating when Bush was President.
Predictable? Without a doubt. Of course, feel free to take it with a grain of salt, as the only time I even browse through the whole paper is after donating blood at Bonfils. The editorial page is certainly predictable, although the saving grace is even if it did have some impact, the editors are “preaching to the choir” anyway.
C’mon Daily Camera. There are stories on red light camera’s and County Commissioners abusing their power that are waiting for some simple investigative reporting.
Red light camera’s are all about the money. If not, why not suggest adding a second to all intersections that have these cameras? That would be an increase from about 3.5′ to 4.5′ at intersections like Arapahoe and 28th. I would be for increasing the timing by 1 second along with increasing the fines substantially. Of course, the problem would be that under this setup, there is no way the City could possibly increase the fines enough to offset the decline in revenue. Yup it’s all about the money.
Still, that doesn’t answer the question about why the DC won’t investigate the cameras, safety effects and the fines. My best guess is the paper doesn’t want to be responsible for budget strapped Camelot (err, that would be the City of Boulder) losing revenue.
We’ll leave the County Commissioners for another day except to say that in general the Commissioners agenda and the liberal editors at the Camera are pretty much aligned on how the County government should run. Yep, I know there’s the obligatory once or twice a year editorial that takes a swipe at the County Commissioners. I’m way over that, you should be too.