Pelosi: Two interesting polls

From Instapundit

From Power Line

I voted with the majority in both polls as no one is better at circling the wagons than the Democrats.

Power Lines John Hinderaker disagrees. In his take down of Pelosi, mostly from todays news conference he concludes…

I don’t suppose anyone imagines that the CIA was foolish enough to lie to Pelosi and others about the use of waterboarding. On the contrary, it seems obvious that everyone in the chain of command was covering himself or herself by disseminating information about the harsh interrogations of three al Qaeda leaders. Pelosi has now opened the lid on a box that she will not be able to close. The CIA has no choice but to defend itself by demonstrating that she, not the Agency, is lying. Possibly Leon Panetta can save her, but at the moment, it is hard to see how this affair can end with Pelosi remaining as Speaker of the House.

He makes a good case, but since when did that matter to the Dem’s?

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