Daily Archives: May 10, 2009


added 5/10 @ 23:24Instapundit weight in.

Posted in stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

Good news

Upfront costs complicate Obama’s health care plan The upfront tab could reach $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion over 10 years, while expected savings from wringing waste and inefficiency from the health care system may take longer to show. Details of … Continue reading

Posted in ObamaCare, Obamanomics | Leave a comment

Pelosi and Waterboarding

Poor Nancy, her excuses on ignorance of waterboarding. Where are we now, was it she was in the room but on the telephone when the technique was described, or was in the room but not listening, or in the room … Continue reading

Posted in idiocy, stoopid Democrats, stoopid government | Leave a comment

Oh goody, a picket line to cross

Safeway workers vote to authorize strike. Will the press report the news or help make and shape it like they did over 20 years ago. I remember one of the previous large grocery store strikes more than 20 years ago. … Continue reading

Posted in the weekend | Leave a comment

Stop Obamacare….

before it starts. But the Obama plan, whatever its tactical cleverness, will suffer from the key drawbacks of all government-financed and managed health insurance. It would make the government the gatekeeper–the controller of prices and the provider of coverage. Health … Continue reading

Posted in ObamaCare | Leave a comment

Tea parties continue

Today in Buffalo New York. Why does the slogan in the picture make me think of the power troika at the Boulder County Commissioners?

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, stoopid government, Tea Party | Leave a comment