Spokane Tea party grass roots effort

At least according to the LA Times via ‘twitterer’ Dann Selle.

Spokane Tea Party is a non-profit, non-political grassroots effort with a mission to create public awareness of the practices of past and current career politicians in Washington D.C.

Our volunteers are just ordinary small business owners, deeply concerned citizens, mothers and fathers and, grandparents expressing anger at the government for taking hard-earned dollars out of their pockets and giving it to failed mortgages of others and to major corporations. They do not believe this is the role of our government and flies in the face of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Spokane Tea Party was founded by Gary Edgington and partner Kirk Smith approximately 5 weeks ago. A Spokane Tea Party web page was started at www.spokaneteaparty.org. A massive media blitz was started about two weeks prior to the scheduled event News Releases were sent out to all newspapers, TVs, and Radio stations within a 100 mile area.

Ron Kiefer voices the typical Boulderites point of view in a recent letter to the editor.

“Methinks thou dost protest too much.” Did not Shakespeare, in a brilliant insight, have his character utter a universal truth that today’s ultra-conservatives now employ? Who is it protesting the policies that will hopefully extricate us? Why the people who got us here, of course! One of the lowest (but most effective) ways that humans use of saving face is to project the blame to someone else for their own actions and this is the function of the so-called “Tea Parties” promoted this week by radical conservatives. The so-called Tea Party espouses not fair taxes for average Americans, but unfair tax loopholes and government subsidies and favors for the super-rich. It is a not a tea party on taxes, but a gala for the conservative Kool-Aid. That’s why they are pushing — and financing — these bogus demonstrations.

Ron, you really need to get out more. Of course, those devious, wealthy, moronic rich Republicans are still pulling the strings. Yes, I must be, absolutely must be, TOO BLIND TO SEE!

Note the Spokane tea party site has merged into The NorthWest Tea Party. Attendence estimate at Spokane Tea Party is ~ 5000.

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